Public data processing – ST & scRNA
Specifying Input FASTQ Files for 10x Pipelines -Software -Spatial Gene Expression -Official 10x Genomics Support ENA Browser (ebi.ac.uk)
Seurat + scVelo
Sam Morabito | RNA velocity analysis with scVelo (smorabit.github.io) seurat-wrappers/docs/scvelo.md at master · satijalab/seurat-wrappers · GitHub
Constructing a integrated Drug-Target database with direction
gkac813.pdf (silverchair.com) Using BERT to identify drug-target interactions from whole PubMed | BMC Bioinformatics | Full Text (biomedcentral.com) A sequence labeling framework for extracting drug–protein relations from biomedical literature (silverchair.com)
[Spatial Transcriptomics] Public data processing
When there are not enough materials available, it is necessary to rerun the processing pipeline from the start, especially when processing public ST data. There are some ways to retrieve raw data, but in SRA format, there seems to be some errors arising from it. In this case, searching the raw fastq.gz file from ENA…