• [WPS] 2024.10 W5 | Other journals

    Papers from other journals: 1. DNA language model GROVER learns sequence context in the human genome | Nature Machine Intelligence 2. Origin, structure, and composition of the spider major ampullate silk fiber revealed by genomics, proteomics, and single-cell and spatial transcriptomics | Science Advances 3. Tissue-aware interpretation of genetic variants advances the etiology of rare…

  • [WPS] 2024.10 W5 | Science, Cell

    Science, Cell 1. Brain region–specific action of ketamine as a rapid antidepressant | Science 2. Massively parallel analysis of single-molecule dynamics on next-generation sequencing chips | Science 3. Cross-species single-cell spatial transcriptomic atlases of the cerebellar cortex | Science 4. Somatic mosaicism in schizophrenia brains reveals prenatal mutational processes | Science 5. Genomic patterns in…

  • [WPS] 2024.10 W5 | Nature

    이번에는 8-10월 Nature 지에서 나온 논문들 중 관심이 가는 논문들. 1. Scalable watermarking for identifying large language model outputs | Nature 2. Machine-guided design of cell-type-targeting cis-regulatory elements | Nature 3. Parallel molecular data storage by printing epigenetic bits on DNA | Nature 4. Targeting immune–fibroblast cell communication in heart failure | Nature 5. Spatial…

  • [WPS] 2024.10 W5 | Nature genetics

    두 달 정도 가까이 쉬었더니 볼 논문들이 너무나 많다. 따라서 이번엔 저널을 나눠서 정리했고, 이번 게시물에서는 Nature Genetics에서 8-10월에 나온 논문들 중 관심이 가는 논문들이다. 1. Obesity-dependent selection of driver mutations in cancer | Nature Genetics 2. Genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes yields polygenic scores accounting for variation across ancestries | Nature…

  • 독일에서 중고차 구매하기 – 1

    중고차를 구매하고 싶어서 정리해보는 포스트. 참고자료: 독일 중고차 구매 시 주의할 점 총 정리 | 구텐탁 코리아 : 독일 한인 포탈 사이트 (gutentagkorea.com)

  • [WPS] 2024.08 W1

    1. Genetic factors associated with reasons for clinical trial stoppage | Nature Genetics Clinical Trial failure and genetic factors 2. Gut microbiota carcinogen metabolism causes distal tissue tumours | Nature 3. AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data | Nature 4. DNA language model GROVER learns sequence context in the human genome |…

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