두 달 정도 가까이 쉬었더니 볼 논문들이 너무나 많다.
따라서 이번엔 저널을 나눠서 정리했고, 이번 게시물에서는 Nature Genetics에서 8-10월에 나온 논문들 중 관심이 가는 논문들이다.
1. Obesity-dependent selection of driver mutations in cancer | Nature Genetics
4. Mapping extrachromosomal DNA amplifications during cancer progression | Nature Genetics
6. Population-specific putative causal variants shape quantitative traits | Nature Genetics
7. Valid inference for machine learning-assisted genome-wide association studies | Nature Genetics
13. Interpreting cis-regulatory interactions from large-scale deep neural networks | Nature Genetics
15. Global impact of unproductive splicing on human gene expression | Nature Genetics
16. An integrated single-cell reference atlas of the human endometrium | Nature Genetics
17. Genetic factors associated with reasons for clinical trial stoppage | Nature Genetics
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